We left Spences Bridge on June 2nd, and were soon stopped because of roadwork. It was the nicest time we ever had at a roadstop! Ashley, approaching us with Honey (the dog):
Yvonne, who found Honey along the road several months before, greets Barkley:
While it was nice talking with Ashley and Yvonne, and Barkley loved playing with Honey, it was also sad. The road we were on is cut through tall mountains of rock, leaving long, high stretches of rock walls lining the road. They told us that a man driving a tanker truck just south of Spences Bridge had crashed into the rock - and died. As we continued on to Quesnel, other folks mentioned the accident which had closed the road most of the day, but we were never able to find a news article about it.
Back on the road to the Quesnel area:
A gorgeous Lazuli Bunting we saw at a rest area:
Wild roses:
Odd name for an RV business:
Husky is a common fuel station in British Columbia. Note that the price for diesel is 96.9. That's per liter. We had to get used to thinking in liters, rather than gallons.
We also had to get used to thinking in kilometers, rather than miles (and Celsius rather than Fahrenheit).
Quesnel is a nice little town with a gold-mining past.
Timber companies provide most of the jobs now.
The town has some nice little shops and a great farmers market that's open every day of the week. We bought some delicious home-made samosas and blueberry pie at the market. Our travel literature stated that Quesnel has a beautiful 50-year-old rose garden in LeBourdais Park. Something must have happened to it; here it is (on a rainy day).
We stayed at 10 Mile Lake Provincial Park, with no hook-ups (no electricity, no water, no sewer). It was our first time "dry camping," so we were very careful with our use of battery power. Not being sure how long the battery would be able to power the blowers for our propane heat, we used it sparingly. We bundled up and added an extra blanket before heading to bed. Barkley always sleeps in the middle, so he keeps very warm, but even he needed extra protection: two thick towels!
Our site:
Canada Violet:
False Solomon's Seal:
At 10 Mile Lake:
Beautiful wildflower known as Giant Red, Scarlet, or Indian Paintbrush:
Types of peas(?):
The beginning of British Columbia's vast dandelion breeding grounds:
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