
Thank you for visiting The Haley Hiatus, aka Travels with Barkley, where we're tracking our year-long 2010 travel adventure. We'll post pictures and journal entries as we travel the country by a wandering route from Pennsylvania to, ultimately, Alaska and back. If our trip captures your interest, please stop in occasionally to see what we're up to.

Clicking on a photo will make it larger and clearer. For most of the pictures, once the bigger picture comes up, clicking on it again will make it even larger.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Die is Cast

Well, my last day at the job was December 23rd. We made it through the holidays and the trip preparation can begin in earnest. Our goal is to begin the Hiatus on February first. That gives one full month to get all of our pre-departure tasks taken care of. There is much to do, but we'll get it done. Hell, neither of us is employed, so it should be easy, right?

The dog has deemed the trailer fit for travel:

Looks like he's ready to leave right now: